Wednesday, January 30, 2008
100 Languages of Children ...
The child
is made of one hundred ...
The child has
a hundred languages
a hundred hands
a hundred thoughts
a hundred ways
of thinking
of playing,
of speaking
A hundred always a hundred ways
of listening
of marveling of loving
a hundred joys
for singing and understanding
a hundred worlds
to discover
a hundred worlds
to invent
a hundred worlds
to dream.
The child has
a hundred languages
(and a hundred hundred hundred more)
but they steal ninety-nine.
The school and the culture
separate the head from the body.
They tell the child:
to think without hands
to do without head
to listen and not
to speak
to understand without joy
to love and
to marvelonly at Easter and Christmas.
They tell the child:
to discover the world already there
and of the hundred
they steal ninety-nine.
They tell the child:
that work and play
reality and fantasy
science and imagination
sky and earth
reason and dream
are things
that do not belong together.
And thus they tell the childth
at the hundred is not there.
The child says:
No way.
The hundred is there.
-Loris Malaguzzi (translated by Lella Gand)-
Dear iParents,
Please don't tackle your children's imagination ...
Monday, January 28, 2008
Driving Home Point
Week of January 27, 2008
Imagin? What would be like if someone came to your neighborhood who had healed many sick people and had crowds following him from all over the country?
This week chilldren draw thier imagin how Jesus help them and learn as an imitator of Jesus, they've been called to participate in Jesus' ministry.
How people being drawn to Jesus remind us finding the meaning and purpose in our life by obeying our calling.
nn Bible Point: Jesus wants everyone to come to Him.
nn Bible Story: News About Jesus Spreads (Matthew 4:23-25)
nn Key Verse: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)
nn PRESCHOOL Play and Pray
A good way to begin teaching preschoolers to go to Jesus with their problems is by example. This week, when you're hurting or concerned about something, say, "Let's go to Jesus with this [concern]," and have your preschooler pray with you. You might also want to play a game of pretend with your preschooler. Ask your child to pretend something is wrong, then ask, "What should we do about it?" Have the child respond, "Go to Jesus!"
Take your elementary-age child to a school or communitry sport event or other entertainment. On your way home, talk about things that are bothering him or her. You may need to probe a bit about school concerns, friendship problems, and sibling conflicts. Then say, "Jesus wants us to take all our concerens to Him." Pay together about your child' concerns. Then commit to reminding each other through the week to take problems to Jesus when they came along!
nn Time With TEENAGERS
Watch a favorite TV show with your teenager. When it's over, talk about the concerns and worries of the characters on the show. Then ask your teenager to wirte a list of things that worry him or her. Go over the list together. For each item, ask, "What could Jesus about that concern?" and "What might Jesus expect you to do about that concern?" If appropriate, also ask, "What can I do to help you with that concern?" Be sure to pray together, committing all the concerns to Jesus. And follow through on anything you agree to do!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Driving Home Point
This week children learn why it's important for us to tell others about Jesus. By knowing Jesus and believing in Him, we can introduce other to be part of His fmaily. Jesus knows us better than even we know ourselves. He can help us get to know Him, too.
Thank Him not only for being our Savior but also for being our friend!
Bible Point: Get to Know Jesus
Bible Story: Peter and Andrew Meet Jesus (John 1:35-42)
Key Verse: "Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God." (John 1:12)
nn PRESCHOOL Play and Pray
Planing to read your child's favorite story, say, "I think you're going to be happy because we're going to do something special!" Then say, "I like telling you about special things because that makes you happy. And that's why we like to tell others about Jesus - because we know He can make us all happy." Teach them simple sentence to share others about Jesus, like as "Jesus loves me and I love Jesus. Jesus loves you too." You will be surprised they are young, yet dare to share others about Jesus.
Have your elementary-age child help you prepare a treat - a dessert or a special snack - for the whole family. Then ask the child, "Why would you like to share the treats with the rest of the family?" Answers will vary. Then ask your child, "Why should we tell others about Jesus?" Talk about how it makes people happy when they learn what Jesus did, do, and will do for them. Help the child to make a list of friends and relatives whom needs to introduce to Jesus. Have some time to pray for them with your child! Let them see your heart for the lost. That will be last forever.
nn Time with TEENAGERS
Plan a time for your family to share favorite recordings of praise songs. After you've listened to the songs, ask your teenager if it's tough to talk about Jesus to friends who aren't Christian. Give your teenager a chance to talk the reasons. Answer will vary. Then ask, "How would you feel if no one had ever told you about Jesus?" Follow up with, "How might your friends feel if, at the end of their lives, none of their Christian friends had ever told them about Jesus?" Listen to them. Let them talk, then they will listen to you.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Driving Home Point
This week our children learn Jesus is incredible. He came to earth as God's Son to love us and show us how to live. We should be thankful everyday to the Son of God for His life and revealing the beauty of a life lived for Him. He will always be with us such a way, just as he has been around since the beginning of time.
Bible Point: Jesus is God's Son.
Bible Story: Jesus is Baptized (Matthew 3:13-17)
Key Verse: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1)
n PRESCHOOL Play and Pray
Very young children can learn that Jesus loves them and takes care of them. Play with your preschooler things that he or she really likes. Then talk about how Jesus loves us and always want us to have great time just like that. It is important to tell them in thier eyes how they means in your life. Let them feel Him thorugh your gentle voices ... and your caring touch.
Elementary kids can understand concrete subjects but need help with abstract concepts. While you're driving with your elementary-age child, brainstorm together about who the greatest people are. Then discuss the ways Jesus is different from any of the people mentioned. Explain that Jesus is our friend who cares about us and is also God who watches over us better than any human hero.
n Time with TEENAGERS
Watch for a quiet time to look through old family pictures with your teenager. As you both remember family adventures, share with your teenager the difference Jesus has made in your life. Encourage your teenager to talk about who Jesus is and what Jesus means in his or her life.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Jan.5.08 "God Guide Us"
Scavanture hunt "Following the Clues" Sayama Jae reading the clue
Keep On Looking
What Our Next Clue?
Follow the clues and you'll find what you're looking for! If you follow God clues he'll Guide us to grand prize. "Eternal Life"
I'm Bless that God has given me opportunities to teach his little one about the words of God. It's a perfect excuse for me to attend Sunday School since I didn't get a chance to attend one. I'm learning much more than I'm teaching. :D. God know what we need and always there to Guide us. The smile and the joy they have on their faces while listening to the bible stories, listening gospel songs or coloring are priceless. Here are some of their coloring sample. :)
Emily :) Who say teacher can't color too??
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Prayers for every day ...
Going to School
Dear Lord Jesus take my hand,
I'm going to a foreign land.
One not ruled by king or preacher,
but someone with the name of teacher.
My mommy says that I'll have fun;
I'll sing and skip and play and run.
But I am scared 'cause I don't know
just what to do or where to go.
So please Lord Jesus hug me tight
and keep me in your loving sight.
For with you by my side today,
I know that I will be okay.
--Margaret Kennedy--
Friday, January 4, 2008
Driving Home Point (2nd week)
Week of January 6, 2008
This week our children learn Jesus' life show us that God is always faithful to guide us according to His plans and promises. Praise God for His unfailing love and guiding hand!
Bible Point: God guides us.
Bible Story: Joseph Takes His Family to Safety in Egypt. Matthew 2:13-23
Key Verse: "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him." (Nahum 1:7)
n PRESCHOOL Play and Pray
Have fun with your preschooler by taping a path of paper squares to the floor for a mystery walk. Have your child follow the squares to a surprise at the end of the path, perhaps a snack, reading books, or game. Encourage your child to draw something about God on each square. Talk about how God guides us.
Play an indoor game of Flee to Egypt, better known as Hide-and Seek. Have the seeker be Herod trying to find baby Jesus, while everyone else hides him. Be sure you talk to your elementary-age child about why Herod was afraid of Jesus.
n Time with TEENAGERS
Talk to your teenager about finding comfort in Scripture when he or she is feeling lonely, stressed, scared, or just tired. Have your teenager read the verse listed in the "Through the Week" corner and find others in a concordance or Bible index. Ask your teenager to copy his or her favorite verse of "comfort" and tape it to the favorite place for the whole family to read.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Driving Home Point (1st week)
This week children learn no matter where we are in life, we can worship Jesus. Thank Jesus for His grace, for accepting our worship despite our many sins.
Bible Point: Everyone can worship Jesus
Bible Story: Foreign Visitors Worship Jesus
Key Verse: "For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile - the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on Him, for, 'Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."(Romans 10:12-13)
n PRESCHOOL Play and Pray
Ask your preschooler to think of someone he or she doesn't know very well but would like to play with. The friend might be a child in your preschooler's Sunday School class or the child of friends you don't see often. Find the way to get to know them. You may ask your child about how to play with them. Then during a quiet time, perhaps after a story, talk about how Jesus loves everyone, including your child and your child's friend.
Blow up balloons with your child. Together think of different ways to worship God, and have your child use a marker to write each way on a balloon. Tape the balloons to a wall or ceiling. Talk about why there are so many ways to worship God. After all the balloons are taped, choose one of the worship ideas and carry it out. As a parent, you are the most important worship leader for your child!
Make a date wit your teenager to go out for a hamburger or ice cream. After you've enjoyed your teenager's company for a while, talk about people who have helped you understand about Jesus and Christian life. Talk about friends you've talked to. Then ask your teenager to think of a friend who needs to know about Jesus. Plan how your teenager might tell the friend.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Too Young to Be Saved?
Evangelism starts at home. Below are some practical steps to help you lead your children to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
1. Prayer for your children's salvation. Never too early to pray for your children. Elizabeth's 6 month's unborn child was recognizing Jesus the Savior when Mary visited, "the babe leaped in her womb for joy" (Luke 1:39-45)
2. Make a daily routine to pray for your children. Find best time to pray for your children. Let them hear your voice. Let them feel your hand on their forehand.
3. Dedicate your children to the Lord no matter how old they are. In 1 Samuel 1:28 Hannah dedicated Samuel, "I have also dedicated him to the Lord; as long as he lives he is dedicated to the Lord."
4. Don't decide for your children when they are old enough to accept Jesus Christ as Savior. You never know the last date and time of your children. Don't underestimate their ability to grasp spiritual truth.
5. Take every opportunity to talk about Jesus. Let your children hear the Word of God not only in Sunday School and church but also at home: "You shall teach them (words of God) to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up" (Deuteronomy 11:19)
6. Be a example. Demonstrate the reality of Jesus in your daily life. Let your children see your faith and obedience in His words.
7. Tell them your conversion story. Trust me. They won't bored to hear from you over and over again.
8. Encourage your children to tell others about Jesus. Allow them to see you telling others about Jesus as well.