Sunday, February 24, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of February 24, 2008

This week children learn thier connection with Jesus is their living water. As they cultivate thier friendship with Jesus through prayer and time in the Bible, they'll discover refreshment, even during parched times.

Bible Point: We can find life in Jesus

Bible Story: Jesus Talk with the Samaritan Woman (John 4:5-42)

Key Verse: "He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life." (1 John 5:12)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray
Invite a preschooler to play with your child, and use this opportunity to teach your preschooler a valuable lesson about acceptance. Encourage your child to share his or her toys and to play nicely with the other child. Explain to your child that it's important to accept and share with others.


As your elementary-age child talks about school experiences this week, listen for references to another child who is lonely or generally not liked. Ask your son or daughter what Jesus might say to that child. Talk about the difference Jesus might make in the "outcast's" life. Then talk about how to help that child know Jesus.


Encourage your teenager to invite an acquaintance who doesn't know Jesus to come to your home for dinner. Suggest inviting someone who isn't well-accepted at school, perhaps someone who is made fun of. Explain that the Samaritan woman wasn't well-accepted in her town. Encourage your teenager to show his or her guest the love and acceptance that Jesus has to offer by involving the friend in the family's conversation. After dinner, share a family time of reading the Bible with your teenager and his or her guest.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mommy and Daddy I need to be heard about Jesus


Evangelism starts at home. Below are some practical steps to help you lead your children to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

1. Prayer for your children's salvation. Never too early to pray for your children. Elizabeth's 6 month's unborn child was recognizing Jesus the Savior when Mary visited, "the babe leaped in her womb for joy" (Luke 1:39-45)

2. Make a daily routine to pray for your children. Find best time to pray for your children. Let them hear your voice. Let them feel your hand on their forehand.

3. Dedicate your children to the Lord no matter how old they are. In 1 Samuel 1:28 Hannah dedicated Samuel, "I have also dedicated him to the Lord; as long as he lives he is dedicated to the Lord."

4. Don't decide for your children when they are old enough to accept Jesus Christ as Savior. You never know the last date and time of your children. Don't underestimate their ability to grasp spiritual truth.

5. Take every opportunity to talk about Jesus. Let your children hear the Word of God not only in Sunday School and church but also at home: "You shall teach them (words of God) to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up" (Deuteronomy 11:19)

6. Be a example. Demonstrate the reality of Jesus in your daily life. Let your children see your faith and obedience in His words.

7. Tell them your conversion story. Trust me. They won't bored to hear from you over and over again.

8. Encourage your children to tell others about Jesus. Allow them to see you telling others about Jesus as well.

Driving Home Point

Week of February 17, 2008

This week children learn Jesus didn't come to make them a more religious person - like Nicodemus. Instead, Jesus came to make them a new person, one capable of responding to a lifegiving freindship with Him.

Bible Point: Jesus give us eternal life
Bible Story: Jesus explains eternal life to Nicodemus (John 3:1-17)
Key Verse: "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Sing some simple praise songs with your preschooler to help him or her think about Jesus' love and about loving Jesus. Song choices could include "Jesus Love Me," "Jesus Loves the Little Children," or "Away in a Manger."

Your preschooler might know motions for the songs, or you might make up motions together.


After dinner or at another time the family is together, play a game of making a story together. Start the story with "Willie thought it was going to be an ordinary day. He didn't know that he'd soon be meeding help and that Jesus would be there to help him."

Ask family members to take turns adding one sentence to the story. Coninue as long as it's fun!

Then talk seriously with your elementary-age child about what Jesus means to him or her. Talk to your child about what is means to be a Christian, based on John 3:16. Don't force your child to make a decision that isn't genuine, but give him or her an opportunity to respond to God's offer of salvation through Jesus.


Ask your teenager to explain to you God's plan of salvation. If he or she has trouble doing so, help your teenager along- don't cause any embarrassment.
Then ask if he or she accepts it.

Discuss the "why" behind the answer. If you teenager hasn't accepted it, encourage him or her to consider doing so. If your teenager has, talk together about how faith in Jesus changes lives - your own and thouse of others.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Driving Home the Point

Week of February 10, 2008

This week children learn their friendship with Jesus gives their a unique ability to influence the people around them. Children have the ability to both flavor and illuminate their circles of influence for Jesus.

Bible Point: We can help others see Jesus

Bible Story: Jesus teaches that we are to be salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16)

Key Verse: "In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Work with your preschooler to make valentines for someone who's a shut-in or someone who needs encouragement. As your child works, talk about how Jesus loves us and how we can show Jesus to others by showing love to them. Then take your preschooler to deliver the valentines and tell people that Jesus loves them.


Elementary kids are old enough to start telling others about Jesus. But to do that, they need to have an understanding of what Jesus means to them. Read a favorite story with your elementary-age child. Then suggest that each of you make a list of things Jesus has done for you and things Jesus could do for the characters in the story. Then share your lists with each other and explain them. Afterward, talk about which things on your list you could tell others about to help them see what Jesus means in your lives.


Sometimes it's easier for teenagers to share their faith through their actions than through words. Ask your teenager to help you develop a plan for the family based on this weeks' Key Verse, Matthew 5:16. Talk about what good deeds you could do as a family, such as helping at a homeless shelter, a nursing home, or a children's hospital, that would help others praise God. Then follow through on the plan!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Driving Home the Point

Week of February 3, 2008

This week children learn about the blessing of ‘Beatitudes.’ Following Jesus has its price, but it also has great rewards. Children also learn how are valuable the rewards are Jesus promised for being the kind of people he wants us to be. We can make the difference in the world by keeping right attitude. Children also learn how to develop the right attitudes in our own lives. The key it keeping the thought in positive way! Our thoughts are the seeds from which our attitudes grow.

nnn Bible Point: The right attitudes please God

nnn Bible Story: Jesus Gives the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12)

nnn Key Verse: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8)

nnn PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Choose a time your preschooler is happy to sing the following little song. Sing it together to the tune of “London Bridge.”

Jesus loves me; I am blessed.
I am blessed. I am blessed.
Jesus loves me; I am blessed.
Blessed by Jesus!

Be sure to explain that blessed means that Jesus does good things for us.


As a family, review the Bible story. Then play a Jeopardy-like game using answers and questions about the Beatitudes. (if your elementary –age child has friends visiting, you may want to choose that time instead.) Have everyone study the passage for a few minutes, then start giving answers. For example, an answer might be “They will be comforted.” The corresponding question would be “who are those that mourn?” After each question and answer, help children think through what they’ve just answered by having them tell what that Beatitude means.

nnn Time With TEENAGERS

The qualities Jesus lists in this passage are not often those held in high esteem by some teenagers today. It’s difficult for teens today to e humble, merciful, and hungry for what’s right because they will likely be persecuted. Take your teenager window-shopping at the mall. Then stop for a snack, and ask your teenager to tell you about what makes being a Christian tough for him or her. Do not be judgmental; instead be supportive and encouraging.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Sharing with Us ...

It's Feburay!

That means "Valentine day" is around the corner! This month we are looking for your story or memory about Valentine Day. What was your favorite Valentine day gift from your child! or Do you have the best moment in your lifetime to talk about the Valentine day? or Is there any fun story that we could laugh together? or Share with us the best tip to spend time with your family in Valentine day.

How it is work? It's easy. You could just start writing about it as using comments corner or as one of contributors ...or you could send your story to so that we could upload your story for you in proper way. Allow us to listen your story so that we could reach out and inspire one another. Look forward to hear from you soon.