Monday, March 31, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of March 30, 2008

This week children learn Jesus' victory over death brings us unchanging and unfailing hope. Thank you, Jesus for restoring our souls, giving us real joy, and providing hope to carry on!

Ask children about;

  • What would you do if you found a treasure map to the greatest treasure you could imagine - and it let you through a dangerous swamp?
  • What is the hardest thing you've ever done? What did you learn from doing it?

  • How might wanting something and being disasppointed help you understand God?

  • What gives you hope?

BIBLE POINT: Jesus gives us hope.

BIBLE STORY: Peter explains belief in Jesus (1 Peter 1:3-9)

KEY VERSE: "Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." (Romans 5:3-4)

PRESCHOOL Play and pray

Ask your preschooler about learning to do something difficult, such as riding a tricycle or learning the alphabet. Encourage your child to draw a picture of what it would be like to master the skill. Then talk about what it means to believe in Jesus.


Take our baby pictures of your child, and retell the story of his or her birth. Talk about your child's strengths and what you especially like about him or her. Then ask your child about new birth through Jesus' resurrection. Ask how the living hope might change people. Be sure to touch on how faith helps people through difficult times.


When you and your teenager are together, perhaps cleaning up after a meal or driving somewhere in the car, suggest that you each think of things you want to do before you're 50. Talk about what it might take to accomplish these goals. Then encourage your teenager to talk about what it might take to be steadfast in his or her faith and the hope that believes find in their faith.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of March 23, 2008

This week children learn Jesus' resurrection sealed our eternal life. Because he went to death and back for us, God will forgive our sins and we can live forever in relationship with Jesus. Thank you Jesus, for your incredible victory!

Help children to think about;
  • What would you do if you suddenly found a wonderful treasure - and there was enough of it to make everyone in the whole world rich.
  • How is knowing about Jesus like finding a treasure?

  • What would be most different in your life if Jesus hadn't died for you?

Bible Point: Jesus is alive

Bible Story: Jesus Comes Back to Life (Matthew 27: 27-56; 28: 1-10)

Key Verse: "I have been crucifed with Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." (Galatians 2:20)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Read a simple version of the Easter story to your preschooler. To help him or her understand what the story means, say, "I'm glad you're alive!" Help your child think of other people in his or her life. As you name each person, say, "I'm glad (name) is alive, too!"


Sit with your elementary-age child, and take turns reading the verse of Matthew 28:1-10 in a children's Bible. Make a game of looking for the clues you would use if you were to write a mystery story about the event. For example, the "man" who rolled back the stone looked like lightning and knew who the women were although they didn't know him. If your child enjoys writing, he or she might want to actually write a mystery-story verson of the Resurrection.


As you enjoy Easter dinner, talk about all the traditions and symbols associated with Easter, from Easter egg hunts to the Easter bunny. Talk about what these traditions and symbols mean and how they help us (or don't help us) understand the real meaning of Easter. Challenge your teenager to research Easter traditions to find out where and why thy began.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of March 16, 2008

This week children learn Jesus' life, death, and resurrection made it possible for them to have eternal life through a relationship with him. He is the reason for our hope and our happiness. Priase Jesus for every thing He is!

Help children to think about;
  • What would you do if you thought you might see Jesus in person.
  • If you made a certificate of recognition for Jesus, what would be on it?
  • What is the greatest thing Jesus has done for you?

Bible Point: Jesus, the Lamb of God, derserves our praise.

Bible Story: Crowds Welcome Jesus to Jerusalem - Psalm 118:19-29; Matthew 21:1-11-

Key Verse: "Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and prasie! - Revelation 5:12b-

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Help your preschooler sing, "Jesus, is our great hero ... Ho-san-na!" to the tune of "London Bridge." Encourage your child to help you add verse about the things Jesus has done - "He made the sky up so high ... Ho - san - na!" for example.


As a family, play this game: for every letter in the alphabet, think of a reason to praise Jesus. For example, someone might say, "Jesus is Always with us" for A. As someone comes up with an alphabetical praise, ask that person to write it on a slip of paper and place it in a jar. Each night as you pray with your child, let him or her draw three or four slips from the jar and use them to praise Jesus.


Look for apportunites to prasie your teenager for something specific in front of his or her friends. Later, ask how it felt to be complimented in front of others. Talk about why we prasie Jesus for the things he's done.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of March 9, 2008

This week children learn what amazing things do they think Jesus can do in thier life? Through the miracle of raising Lazarus from death, Jesus showed that He can trasform us. He can bring us back from hopelessness and despair. Thank you, Jesus!

Bible Point: Jesus give us hope of eternal life.

Bible Story: Jeuss Raises Lazarus from the Death (John 11:1-45)

Key Verse: Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even through he dies.' (John 11:25)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Walk in a local park or around your neighborhood with your preschooler. As you walk, remind your child about the story of Lazarus. At the park, point out the bare or newly budding trees and flowers. Explain that every fall these trees and flowers seem to die, then they come back to life in the spring. Explain that Jesus showed us the way to come back to life after we die. Thanks for teaching your child this important lesson!


Celebrate the coming spring by planting flowers or a new tree with your elementary-age child. Talk about how Jesus brought Lazarus back from the dead. Ask your child how he or she thinks the planting activity is like or unlike what Jesus did. Then say a prayer, asking Jesus to watch over your new tree or flower and to help it grow.


Look for a way to get into your teenager's world this week, perhaps by listening to a favorite recording artist, talking about a favorite activity, or playing a board game. Ask your teenager about his or her hopes for the future. Then talk about how day-to-day hopes compare with the hope we have in Jesus.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of March 2, 2008

This week children learn what would they do if they saw someone they were afraid of and they saw that the person needed help? Children also learn we're all sinners, and without Jesus to cleanse us from our sin, we're hopelessly unclean. But grater than the good Samaritan, Jesus has shown us kindness that can change our lives forever. Praise Jesus for His mercy!

Bible Point: Jesus says to love others as ourselves.

Bible Story: Jesus Tells About the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

Key Verse: "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." (Ephesians 4:32)


PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

If someone in your church or neighborhood has kittens or puppies, ask if your preschooler may visit to pet them gently and talk about the care they need. A petting zoo would offer another opportunity to talk bout how people need to understand what the animals need and how to treat them kindly. Then encourage your preschooler to think about how he or she can show love to family members and friends.


Ask your elementary-age child what he or she thinks would be one good way to help someone. You might suggest mowing the lawn, doing gardening chores for an elderly neighbor, or taking food to a shut-in. Help your child carry out this activity. Then talk with your child about how the person felt about the help.


With your teenager, volunteer to serve meals at a homeless shelter or deliver food to a shut-in through a Meals-On-Wheels program. Encourage your teenager to talk to the people being helped and to see them as individuals. Then ask your teenager how the volunteer work helped the people you served. You and your teenager may decide to do this regularly!

Insight from the teacher ...

Here it the article from Mrs. Cynthia Thwin, Sunday School Director, currently teaching 5&6 grade class in Sunday School at Oakland Burmese Mission Baptist Church. Her inspiration comes from the recent trip to New York with her family. She also add the personal note from Mr. Alphonse Gabriel, 80 years old retired preacher , uncle of her husband.

(At the street of Time Squre with son, Aaron & husband, Paul Thwin)


So many people think they would be happy if only life's circumstances were changed; if they had a different job, if they had never married or had married some one else, if they had gotten married, if they had had different parents or education, if they were in a different religious community or seminary, if they lived elsewhere, had more money-or more possessions, etc.

But, the secret of happiness, like the kingdom of God, is within you. Take life the way God has given it to you, put a frame around it, and within that frame make your own happiness.

So many people in life strive for one luxury after another, as if they could buy happiness. If and when you can say to yourself that there is really no material thing that you want or need, then you are close to wisdom and happiness.

The unhappy king was told that he would find happiness by wearing the shirt of the poorest man in his kingdom, and discovered that the poorest man was cheerful and had no shirt at all.