Monday, April 28, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of April 27, 2008

This week children learned to give thanks God, recognizing the significance of the world, other people, and themselves as God's creation. During the class they talked about a time the Apostle Paul had the opportunity to share about God with others, and learned about one of his main ideas the God is the Creator of heaven and earth. They shared how this belief can affect everything they do.

Children found friendship with Jesus is so wonderful that Jesus' friends were willing to take risks to invite others to share in that friendship. Encouraging them to be driving to invite other for sharing in that friendship as well.

This week help them to question about;
  • How would you describe God to someone who didn't know anything about Him?
  • Think of someone you know who isn't a Christian.
  • How would you begin to talk about Jesus with that person?
  • Why do people need to know about God?
  • What are some other ways (other than talking) to encourage people to learn about God?

BIBLE PONIT: God is the Creator of heaven and earth.

BIBLE STORY: Paul Teaches in Athens. (Acts 17:16-31)

KEY VERSE: "Do you not know? Have you not heard? the Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth." (Isaiah 40:28a)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Take a walk with your preschooler and pick up interesting pebbles, leaves, twigs, and other natural materials. Then help your preschooler draw a picture of God's creation and glue the items you found onto the picture. Talk about how wonderful God's creation is.


Ask your child, "What would you tell someone who has never heard of God?" Help your child ask other family members what they could tell others about God, and encourage your child to make a list of those things and share it with the family.


With your teenager, plan a bike ride or a hike to a quiet place. Pack a picnic lunch, and take time together for lunch, laughter, meditation, and prayer.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of April 20, 2008

This week children learn a growing relationship with Jesus produces faith and courage in the heart and life of a Christian. This courage allows us to speak the truth in the face of danger.

Ask children about;

What would you do if some one hurt you because you're a Christian.

  • What risks do you take to follow Jesus?

  • How is forgiving someone a way of sharing your faith?

Bible Point: We share our faith in Jesus with words and actions.

Bible Story: Stephen forgives his accusers as they stone him (Acts 6:8-7:60)

Key Verse: "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." (1 Peter 3:15)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Help your preschooler string a necklace of large beads or macaroni. In the center of the necklace, string a construction paper heart that says, "I love Jesus." Encourage your preschooler to wear the necklace and tell people what it says.


Help your child research a modern day Christian martyr at the library or on the Internet. Talk about that person's story and about people who have given their lives for their faith and their love of Jesus. If you're using the Internet, use Christian martyr as key words, or try this Web site:


Ask your teenager to take charge of planing how your family can help your church or denomination sponsor a missionary family. For example, your church might be looking for specific donations or for help with asking for donations. Encourage your teenager to find out if the missionary family has any prayer requests and to lead the family in prayer for these requests.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sunday School Class

Please have a look at some glimpse on what it is going on each Sunday in our class. Then you know why ...we have been blessed by serving His little ones. We always appreciate for iParents' supports as well. Please continue to remember Sunday School Ministry in your prayer. Thanks you for doing iParents!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of April 13, 2008

This week children learn the important to love each other as Christian. It's impossible to grow in faith - or help others come to faith - without the influence of Christian community and genuine love for others. Our relationships with other Christians should reflect our relationship with Jesus.

Ask children about;

  • What would you do if you saw a friend being teased or bullied because he or she talked about being a Christian?

  • What would you do if the person being bullied was someone you didn't know?
  • Why is it important for Christian friends to visit with each other and talk about Jesus?
  • How can you encourage your friends in their faith?

    BIBLE POINT: God wants Christians to treat each other with loving care.

    BIBLE STORY: Christians Care for One Another. (Psalm 23; Acts 2:42-47)

    KEY VERSE: "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching." (Hebrew 10:24-25)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Have your preschooler help you come up with a plan to show family members you care about them. For example, you might bake cookies together to share, wash the vegetables or fruits for lunch, help you to set up dinner table, or do a chore for someone else.


At dinner or another time the family is together, ask family members to take turns thinking of good things about each other and write on each other's back. Let them guess what it is. Encourage them to say good thing about others. Then ask everyone to think of a friend who could use encouragement this week and plan how to encourage that friend.


Choose a time you and your teenager are together - perhaps doing a chore together or going some - where in the car - to talk about a time you needed encouragement in your faith. Talk about people who helped you and how they helped you. Then ask your teenager to think of a friend who needs encouragement in his or her faith. Brainstorm with your teenager about how best to provide the needed encouragement.

Monday, April 7, 2008

2008 Easter Sunrising Service

Here is some pictures of Sunday School children & Teachers with iParents during Sunrising Service at Harbor Park in Oakland on Easter Sunday. It was such a precious memories that we have shared to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ with families and friends. Thanks you, SS teachers and iParents for supporting our children to have the valuable lesson such a way.

Please check more picture at

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of April 6, 2008

This week children learn Jesus invites us into a dynamic relationship. He helps us grow- and He offers us full participation in His work and mission on earth. What a privilege - to be entrusted with taking Christ's message to others!

Ask your children;

  • Why do people need to know about Jesus?
  • What's the best way for you to help people understand who Jesus is?

  • Bible Point: God wants us to tell the world about Jesus.
    Bible Story: Jesus Returns to Heaven (Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:1-11)
    Key Verse: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

For many preschoolers, talking on the telephone is a special event. Help your child think of someone special he or she would like to tell about Jesus. Then make the call for your preschooler. For example, your child might choose to call a grandparent and say, "Jesus wants us to tell the whole world about him."


Watch a sports event, concert, or TV show with your elementary-age child. Then encourage your child to talk about people he or she admires, from sports heroes and actors to teachers and neighbors. Talk about how these people affect others. Then talk about the effect we can have on people when we help them understand who Jesus is.


Go with your teenager to a school or community event - perhaps a baseball game, a concert, or a play - or go to watch your teenager participate in something. Talk about the many talents ordinary people have and how these talents might be used to help more people know the good news of Jesus. Thanks for making this investment in your teenager's life!