Sunday, August 16, 2009

VBS Family Newsletter

VBS 5th Day

Go Serve!

Ananias serves God by helping Saul. Acts 9:1-19

Bible Memory: Joshua 1:9

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Today your teen learned about God's servant, Ananias and his daunting challenge to go serve a man named Saul. Saul was famous for his hatred toward and persecution of Christians. But when God told Ananias to go to Saul and help him, Ananias obeyed. As a result, Saul was healed and would go on to become the most prominent preacher of Christ the world had ever seen.

Ask these questions to your child:
  • What does it mean to serve someone?
  • Why it is sometimes hard to serve others?
  • Why did Ananias help Saul, even though he must have been afraid?
  • Why it is important that you serve others?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Family Newsletter

VBS 4th Day

Go Obey!!!

The apostles obey by taking a stand for Jesus (Acts 5:17-32)
Bible Memory: Joshua 1:9

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Your child learned the story of the apostles taking a stand for Jesus in the temple. It is the perfect example of obeying God rather than men. Kids also learned that obeying God is the most important thing a person can do.

In response to today's Bible Story, the kids were encouraging to obey God, their parents, and rules. You can reinforce the "Go Obey" concept of this session by reminding your child that praying for help from God will help child learn to obey. Watch for times during the day when your child has obeyed a command or rule you have given her. Praise her for doing so. If your child is having trouble obeying, remind kids to pray about their obedience.

Ask your child;

  • Before Jesus went back to Heaven, what did He tell His followers to do? (tell everyone about Him)
  • Why was that command hard for the followers to obey? (Some followers were thrown into prision for telling about Jesus)
  • Why did they keep telling about Jesus even when they knew they might be thrown into prison? (answers will vary)
  • While they were in prison, what did God command the followers to do? (get back out there and tell others about Jesus)
  • How did the followers obey God's command? (by going back out and teaching people about Jesus, even when they knew they might be arrested again)

Monday, August 3, 2009

VBS Family Newsletter

VBS 3rd Day


Jesus lives again, and the women run to tell (Matthew 27:27-54; 28:1-10)
Bible Memory: Joshua 1:9

Dear Parent or Guardian,

In response to today's Bible Story, the kids learned how exciting it can be to tell their friends and others that Jesus came back to life. The kids focused on ways they could "GO TELL" this exciting news. Ask your child what some of these ways are, and then provide the supplies needed to carry out one of those ways.

Ask your children;
  • What do you do when you are excited about something? (tell everyone I can)
  • What did the women do when they were excited about seeing Jesus alive again? (told Jesus' friends and others)
  • Do you get excited and happy when you think about Jesus coming back to life again? (answers will vary...)
  • What can you do to show your excitement about Jesus coming back to life? (tell everyone I know about it)

VBS Family Newsletter

VBS 2nd day


Esther risks her life for God's people (Esther 4-7)
Bible Memory: Joshua 1:9

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Today your child learned that Esther risked her life in order to save the lives of her people. In response to today's Bible story, the kids were introduced to ways they could "GO RISK" for God. Talk to your child about talking risks and emphasize the fact that Esther asked others to fast and pray with her before taking any risks. How about that! Let your child to know your help will be there with any risks your child has chosen to do every single day.

Ask your child these question to review today's story.
  • What does it mean to take a risk? (to do something that is not always easy; do something when you don't always know what might happen)
  • How did Esther take a risk for God? (She put herself in a position where she might be killed)
  • What did Esther, Mordecai, and all the Jews do before Esther went to talk to the king? (fasted for three days)
  • What might happen because you decide to take a risk for God? (People might come to know Jesus and become followers of Him)

VBS Family Newsletter

VBS 1st day


Gideon leads the Israelite to victory (Judges 7:1-22)
Bible Memory: Joshua 1:9

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Today your child explored the story of Gideon, a young Israelite who led God's army to a resounding victory over the army of the Midianites. Your child learned that Gideon served God by being a leader. Gideon allowed God to use him to lead the Israelite army into battle, even though God was in complete control. In response to today's lesson, your child was challenged to choose a specific way to "GO LEAD" for God. Ask your child what way he plans to demonstrate leadership within the next day. You can offer to help your child in this activity by suggesting ways to carry out his plan.

Ask these questions to review today's lesson with your child:
  • What is a leader? (someone who shows others what to do and encourages them to do it)
  • How did Gideon demonstrate being a leader for God? (He did what God told him to do; he listened to God and let God do the leading)
  • What three things did Gideon tell his men just before the battle began? (watch me; follow my lead; do what I do
  • Sometimes being a leader can be hard. What are some ways you can be a good leader? (ask for God's help; do what is right, even when others around you don't)