Thursday, July 17, 2008

VBS Prayer Partner

Dear iParents,

VBS 2008 is around the corner! Each year God has been blessed the ministry of our church to extend beyond our walls to reach the children and their family who live in our communities. We have been drove with one purpose. That is to share with them the love of God and prepare the way for them come to know Jesus Christ and grow with Him in a personal way as Lord and Savior. And your support has been a great strength to all of VBS staffs and family! Truly, we could never come this far without you...

This year theme is God's Big Backyard-It's Your Serve! God's Big Backyard is the place to be for joining hands -serving hands- and for showing how simple and how fun it is to serve like Jesus served! Kids of all age will be challenged to make a difference in their life to serve others and Jesus.

During the month of August we are planing to working closely with Sunday School department and iParents to meet the need of life-time challenging for kids and their family. So we are here humbly asking you to join us in prayer.

  • Please pray God to lead all VBS staffs in every aspects of the planning and preparations for God's Big Backyard. Please also pray that we all faithfully serve God what He wants accomplished through this program.

  • Please pray God for all VBS kids. They will challenge to serve their families, friends, neighbors, communities, and Jesus. Pray that kids will discover how much fun they can having in serving in God's big Backyard and making a big difference in their life to serve others and Jesus!

  • Please also pray God for providing the need. We need lots of hands in teaching, cooking, carrying, driving, and even sleepover! There will be around 100 kids and staffs will be need in your help! Pray that we all to be encouraged and to be motivated to serve others to serve Him as serving His little ones!

Thanks for being a VBS Pray Partner! As we are joining our hands together we are hoping for His miracle once again through our prayers! May the Lord of our God continue to use us for His glory. Amen!

In Him we serve,
VBS Director & Staffs

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of June 29, 2008

This week the children learn God's holiness can transform our lives through a relationship with Jesus. They were encouraged to share how God has shown His holiness in thier life. Take some time to reflect on their sharing.

Help children to see God's holiness in so many things ... as simple as the beauty of nature or as intense as a powerful prayer experience. Encourage them to experience it, respond with an open and worshipful heart in daily life so that they could learn to worship God sincerely with thier thoughts, attitudes, and actions.

Ask children what would they do;
  • Imagine you're a knight. The king has summoned you for a dangerous mission - it could cost your life! Would you go to the king and accept the mission? Why or why not?
  • What has God asked you to do that you were afraid to do? what did you do?
  • How can you find the courage to do what God asks of you?
BIBLE POINT: Respond to God's holiness with worship

BIBLE STORY: God Calls Isaiah (Isaiah 6:1-8)

KEY VERSE: "Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker." (Psalm 95:6)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Ask your preschooler to help you choose something special to be used only on Sunday. The item could be a candle or dish to use at the dinner table, or it could be a favorite book to look at only on Sunday. Talk with your preschooler about why one day is set apart for special worship of God.


Imagine with your child how you might dress if you were going to meet someone very important. Discuss how God is the most important person we will ever meet. Then help each other pick out something to wear to church that will show that you both honor God. Be sure to allow your child to help you choose something to wear too!


Do your teenager and his or her friends use the term "holy" loosely - "holy cow," for example?

Ask your teenager to look up holy in the dictionary, then talk about Isaiah's vision of what holy means. Discuss why only God is holy.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Youth & Parent Conference

Date: June 29th on Sunday
Time: 4:00 PM
Place: OBMBC Chaple

"Mom, if I do bad things, will I go to hell? Dad, will I lost my salvation, if I don't keep good work?"

Dear iParents,

What would you say to your children, when they feel they are not good enough to keep their faith? Have you ever wonder your children is fearing losing salvation?

Come and join us "Youth & Parent Conference" at Chapel at 4:00 PM right after Sunday Worship Service. There will be open feedback and Bible discussion for parents and Youth. Youth teachers and Rev. Lone Wah Lazum will be lead the program throughout. All Sunday School teachers are also encouraging to attend this meeting to reach every students and thier parents in the class.

Hope and play to see you all ...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of June 22, 2008

This week children learn how we can have compassion for those who don't know God from the story of Jonah. Oftentimes children might feel difficult to have the same compassion for people that God does. However, by helping children see the love and compassion that Jesus shows us, we allow them open a perspective beyond themselves. Children were also encourage to pray to God that He would help them to see the world with not "My Eyes," but "God's Eyes.

Ask children about;
  • What would you do if someone who was always mean to you and your friends suddenly asked you for forgiveness? Why?
  • Why was Jonah angry that God forgave the people of Nineveh?
  • How does God love people who do bad things?
Bible Point: Have Compassion for people who don't know God

Bible Story: Jonah Complains About God's compassion (Jonah 3:10-4:11)

Key Verse: "The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some under stand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Sing a favorite praise song - "Jesus Love Me," for example - with your preschooler. Then ask your preschooler to think of people who don't know a bout God. Ask how singing the song to people and talking about God might help others know about God. Discuss why God wants everyone to know about Him.


If your church participates in a missionary program to a specific country or part of the world, talk with your elementary-age child about the people who benefit from the program. Look on the Internet or in a reference book to learn about the country and its customs, and talk about why God wants everyone to know Him. Encourage your child to think how he or she might help with your church's missionary program. Or help your child do some research about any country with a non-Christian majority, and find our about Christian outreach to that country.


Ask your teenager to think of one person who doesn't know God and one way to help that person understand God's compassion. The person might be someone at school or in the neighborhood, a homeless person, or someone far away. Help your teenager think of something specific and "doable" to do, then encourage your teenager to do it. For example, your teenager might invite a non-Christian school friend to a church activity, volunteer in a soup kitchen and make time to talk to a homeless person there, or send his or her won money to a Christian group that gives away Bible around the world.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Father's Day Program

Dear iParents,

Coming Sunday Children & Youth Sunday School department are preparing Special Presentation for Father's Day service. Many weeks teachers and children have been pouring their heart to practice songs, dances and drama. Please contact Mrs. Cynthia for the detail information how you and your children could participate. Youth Class will be meet at 11:00 am in Fellowship Hall for the final preparation! Daniella, Ashlee, Amanda (Lau) will lead the program.

Teachers are also preparing Special Art's project for the children during the class. It will be a big surprised gift for the father or grandfathers!

You also don't want to miss Family Games "Father & I" at gym right after Father's day special Lunch. There will be various fun and exciting games that you and your children can be participated as family.

Hope to see you all soon!!!

Driving Home Point

Week of June 8, 2008

This week children learn how humble people are intimate with, rewarded by, and blessed by God. They learn the valuable steps of drawing closer to Jesus, which will in turn strengthen their humility which leads them to Him. We hope and pray that the lesson of humbleness brings them closer to Jesus; Jesus values their humility and even brokenness; their humility lets Jesus work in and through them!

Ask your children;

  • Have you ever feel embarrassed or dumb in front of people?
  • What is humble? Does it mean Low self-esteem with a smile ...? Is it thinking and acting like everyone else is better than I am ...? If the opposite of humility is pride, does that mean I can’t Can’t show self-confidence when I do something well ...?
  • Has your humility helped someone else?
  • How has God taught you about humility?

BIBLE POINT: To follow God, we must be humble

BIBLE STORY: God heals Naaman's Leprosy (2 Kings 5:1-16)

KEY VERSE: "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God' mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time." (1 Peter 5:6)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Watch for an opportunity to encourage your preschooler to help a younger child. If your preschooler doesn't have a younger sibling at home, look for something he or she can do at church or in the neighborhood. Perhaps your child can help a toddler walk, hold a bottle for a baby, or go down a slide with a smaller child. Talk about how it feels good to help others even when no one seems to notice. Thank you for helping your young child grow closer to Jesus.


Make a game of practicing humility with your elementary-age child. See how many small favors you both can think of to do for family members without expecting praise or rewards. For example, you might think of doing someone else's chores or making little gifts or encouragement cards. Then see who can be the sneakiest about doing these things so that no one guesses who did them.


Talk with your teenager about famous people he or she admires- athletes, musicians, or actors, for example. Together think of individuals in that field who demonstrate humility and how they show it. Talk about how their behavior earns respect.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of May 25, 2008

This week children learn to challenge each other to practice God's love. They have looked at Jesus' teachings and learned the characteristics of God's love. They also learned to connect with His unending love every day to lead and renew them.

Recent news of Cyclone Victims of Myanmar took great example of how to practice God's love in our daily lives. They also shared what they saw and felt during Fundraising church event "Relief to Relive" on May 24th. They talked about how they helped their parents and other church members to pull up this event in short period to meet the urgent needs in Myanmar. They also shared how other strangers' generous and sincere support moved us to help the people's need in Myanmar.

It was very emotional week for all of us. We hope and pray to hear of the amazing ways God has used their efforts to enrich their life and the lives of others continuously!

Dear iParents, during the week ask children what would they do;

  • If they knew doing one thing really well would mean they'd have everything they need, how hard would they try to do it well? How would they try?
  • How can they know if they're being truly loving?
  • What's one thing they can do this week to love people better?

BIBLE POINT: God teaches us how to love.

BIBLE STORY: Paul Describes Genuine Love. (1 Corinthians 13:1-13)

KEY VERSE: "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." (1 Corinthians 13:4-5)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Read The Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown to your preschooler. Then talked about how much you love him or her. Try to help your child understand that Jesus, too, will always come for us if we ask Him to.


Write your teenager a love letter. Include specifics to make the letter personal, but make sure the message is that you love your teenager simply because he or she was born. You might want to include John 3:16-17. Mail the letter so that it will arrive at the house in a day or two.


Take your child our for ice cream or pizza, and share stories about people who have shown love to you in special ways. Discuss how the loving things people do help you understand Jesus' love. Thanks for taking the time to show your love for your child!

Friday, May 9, 2008


Many people in Myanmar is suffering from Cyclone Nargis' disaster. Please be with them in the time of trobles and needs. Keep them under Your wings ...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of May 4, 2008

This week children learn how they could thank Jesus for the gift He's given them. It's so freeing to understand that we can't earn our friendship with Jesus. Because Jesus initiates and sustains our friendship with Him, we don't have to work to maintain His favor. This gives us the energy to live lives of grateful service for Him.

Ask children;
  • What would you do if someone gave you the most valuable thing in the world- and you didn't have anything to give in return?

  • If we are not saved by the good things we do, why should we do good things?

  • How can you thank Jesus for the gift He's given you?

BIBLE POINT: God's power saves us by His grace.
BIBLE STORY: Paul Explains Christians' Relationship With Christ (Ephesians 1:15-2:10)KEY VERSE: "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Find a children's book at the library about volcanoes, storms, or other forces of nature. Look at or read the book with your child, and talk about how God's power is greater than all of these.


Encourage our child to write or type the words to Ephesians 2:8-9 on a sheet of paper and decorate it with colorful artwork. Discuss with your child what it means that God's grace is a gift to us. Help your child think of someone to share the gift with; then help your child wrap the paper in a gift box and present it to that person.


As you're shopping with your teenager or talking about things your teenager needs, talk a little about the relative importance of things your child "needs" - for example, help your teenager conclude that shoes are more important than a video. Then talk about the gift God has given us and what we need in order to be saved.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of April 27, 2008

This week children learned to give thanks God, recognizing the significance of the world, other people, and themselves as God's creation. During the class they talked about a time the Apostle Paul had the opportunity to share about God with others, and learned about one of his main ideas the God is the Creator of heaven and earth. They shared how this belief can affect everything they do.

Children found friendship with Jesus is so wonderful that Jesus' friends were willing to take risks to invite others to share in that friendship. Encouraging them to be driving to invite other for sharing in that friendship as well.

This week help them to question about;
  • How would you describe God to someone who didn't know anything about Him?
  • Think of someone you know who isn't a Christian.
  • How would you begin to talk about Jesus with that person?
  • Why do people need to know about God?
  • What are some other ways (other than talking) to encourage people to learn about God?

BIBLE PONIT: God is the Creator of heaven and earth.

BIBLE STORY: Paul Teaches in Athens. (Acts 17:16-31)

KEY VERSE: "Do you not know? Have you not heard? the Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth." (Isaiah 40:28a)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Take a walk with your preschooler and pick up interesting pebbles, leaves, twigs, and other natural materials. Then help your preschooler draw a picture of God's creation and glue the items you found onto the picture. Talk about how wonderful God's creation is.


Ask your child, "What would you tell someone who has never heard of God?" Help your child ask other family members what they could tell others about God, and encourage your child to make a list of those things and share it with the family.


With your teenager, plan a bike ride or a hike to a quiet place. Pack a picnic lunch, and take time together for lunch, laughter, meditation, and prayer.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of April 20, 2008

This week children learn a growing relationship with Jesus produces faith and courage in the heart and life of a Christian. This courage allows us to speak the truth in the face of danger.

Ask children about;

What would you do if some one hurt you because you're a Christian.

  • What risks do you take to follow Jesus?

  • How is forgiving someone a way of sharing your faith?

Bible Point: We share our faith in Jesus with words and actions.

Bible Story: Stephen forgives his accusers as they stone him (Acts 6:8-7:60)

Key Verse: "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." (1 Peter 3:15)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Help your preschooler string a necklace of large beads or macaroni. In the center of the necklace, string a construction paper heart that says, "I love Jesus." Encourage your preschooler to wear the necklace and tell people what it says.


Help your child research a modern day Christian martyr at the library or on the Internet. Talk about that person's story and about people who have given their lives for their faith and their love of Jesus. If you're using the Internet, use Christian martyr as key words, or try this Web site:


Ask your teenager to take charge of planing how your family can help your church or denomination sponsor a missionary family. For example, your church might be looking for specific donations or for help with asking for donations. Encourage your teenager to find out if the missionary family has any prayer requests and to lead the family in prayer for these requests.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sunday School Class

Please have a look at some glimpse on what it is going on each Sunday in our class. Then you know why ...we have been blessed by serving His little ones. We always appreciate for iParents' supports as well. Please continue to remember Sunday School Ministry in your prayer. Thanks you for doing iParents!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of April 13, 2008

This week children learn the important to love each other as Christian. It's impossible to grow in faith - or help others come to faith - without the influence of Christian community and genuine love for others. Our relationships with other Christians should reflect our relationship with Jesus.

Ask children about;

  • What would you do if you saw a friend being teased or bullied because he or she talked about being a Christian?

  • What would you do if the person being bullied was someone you didn't know?
  • Why is it important for Christian friends to visit with each other and talk about Jesus?
  • How can you encourage your friends in their faith?

    BIBLE POINT: God wants Christians to treat each other with loving care.

    BIBLE STORY: Christians Care for One Another. (Psalm 23; Acts 2:42-47)

    KEY VERSE: "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching." (Hebrew 10:24-25)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Have your preschooler help you come up with a plan to show family members you care about them. For example, you might bake cookies together to share, wash the vegetables or fruits for lunch, help you to set up dinner table, or do a chore for someone else.


At dinner or another time the family is together, ask family members to take turns thinking of good things about each other and write on each other's back. Let them guess what it is. Encourage them to say good thing about others. Then ask everyone to think of a friend who could use encouragement this week and plan how to encourage that friend.


Choose a time you and your teenager are together - perhaps doing a chore together or going some - where in the car - to talk about a time you needed encouragement in your faith. Talk about people who helped you and how they helped you. Then ask your teenager to think of a friend who needs encouragement in his or her faith. Brainstorm with your teenager about how best to provide the needed encouragement.

Monday, April 7, 2008

2008 Easter Sunrising Service

Here is some pictures of Sunday School children & Teachers with iParents during Sunrising Service at Harbor Park in Oakland on Easter Sunday. It was such a precious memories that we have shared to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ with families and friends. Thanks you, SS teachers and iParents for supporting our children to have the valuable lesson such a way.

Please check more picture at

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of April 6, 2008

This week children learn Jesus invites us into a dynamic relationship. He helps us grow- and He offers us full participation in His work and mission on earth. What a privilege - to be entrusted with taking Christ's message to others!

Ask your children;

  • Why do people need to know about Jesus?
  • What's the best way for you to help people understand who Jesus is?

  • Bible Point: God wants us to tell the world about Jesus.
    Bible Story: Jesus Returns to Heaven (Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:1-11)
    Key Verse: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

For many preschoolers, talking on the telephone is a special event. Help your child think of someone special he or she would like to tell about Jesus. Then make the call for your preschooler. For example, your child might choose to call a grandparent and say, "Jesus wants us to tell the whole world about him."


Watch a sports event, concert, or TV show with your elementary-age child. Then encourage your child to talk about people he or she admires, from sports heroes and actors to teachers and neighbors. Talk about how these people affect others. Then talk about the effect we can have on people when we help them understand who Jesus is.


Go with your teenager to a school or community event - perhaps a baseball game, a concert, or a play - or go to watch your teenager participate in something. Talk about the many talents ordinary people have and how these talents might be used to help more people know the good news of Jesus. Thanks for making this investment in your teenager's life!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of March 30, 2008

This week children learn Jesus' victory over death brings us unchanging and unfailing hope. Thank you, Jesus for restoring our souls, giving us real joy, and providing hope to carry on!

Ask children about;

  • What would you do if you found a treasure map to the greatest treasure you could imagine - and it let you through a dangerous swamp?
  • What is the hardest thing you've ever done? What did you learn from doing it?

  • How might wanting something and being disasppointed help you understand God?

  • What gives you hope?

BIBLE POINT: Jesus gives us hope.

BIBLE STORY: Peter explains belief in Jesus (1 Peter 1:3-9)

KEY VERSE: "Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." (Romans 5:3-4)

PRESCHOOL Play and pray

Ask your preschooler about learning to do something difficult, such as riding a tricycle or learning the alphabet. Encourage your child to draw a picture of what it would be like to master the skill. Then talk about what it means to believe in Jesus.


Take our baby pictures of your child, and retell the story of his or her birth. Talk about your child's strengths and what you especially like about him or her. Then ask your child about new birth through Jesus' resurrection. Ask how the living hope might change people. Be sure to touch on how faith helps people through difficult times.


When you and your teenager are together, perhaps cleaning up after a meal or driving somewhere in the car, suggest that you each think of things you want to do before you're 50. Talk about what it might take to accomplish these goals. Then encourage your teenager to talk about what it might take to be steadfast in his or her faith and the hope that believes find in their faith.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of March 23, 2008

This week children learn Jesus' resurrection sealed our eternal life. Because he went to death and back for us, God will forgive our sins and we can live forever in relationship with Jesus. Thank you Jesus, for your incredible victory!

Help children to think about;
  • What would you do if you suddenly found a wonderful treasure - and there was enough of it to make everyone in the whole world rich.
  • How is knowing about Jesus like finding a treasure?

  • What would be most different in your life if Jesus hadn't died for you?

Bible Point: Jesus is alive

Bible Story: Jesus Comes Back to Life (Matthew 27: 27-56; 28: 1-10)

Key Verse: "I have been crucifed with Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." (Galatians 2:20)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Read a simple version of the Easter story to your preschooler. To help him or her understand what the story means, say, "I'm glad you're alive!" Help your child think of other people in his or her life. As you name each person, say, "I'm glad (name) is alive, too!"


Sit with your elementary-age child, and take turns reading the verse of Matthew 28:1-10 in a children's Bible. Make a game of looking for the clues you would use if you were to write a mystery story about the event. For example, the "man" who rolled back the stone looked like lightning and knew who the women were although they didn't know him. If your child enjoys writing, he or she might want to actually write a mystery-story verson of the Resurrection.


As you enjoy Easter dinner, talk about all the traditions and symbols associated with Easter, from Easter egg hunts to the Easter bunny. Talk about what these traditions and symbols mean and how they help us (or don't help us) understand the real meaning of Easter. Challenge your teenager to research Easter traditions to find out where and why thy began.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of March 16, 2008

This week children learn Jesus' life, death, and resurrection made it possible for them to have eternal life through a relationship with him. He is the reason for our hope and our happiness. Priase Jesus for every thing He is!

Help children to think about;
  • What would you do if you thought you might see Jesus in person.
  • If you made a certificate of recognition for Jesus, what would be on it?
  • What is the greatest thing Jesus has done for you?

Bible Point: Jesus, the Lamb of God, derserves our praise.

Bible Story: Crowds Welcome Jesus to Jerusalem - Psalm 118:19-29; Matthew 21:1-11-

Key Verse: "Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and prasie! - Revelation 5:12b-

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Help your preschooler sing, "Jesus, is our great hero ... Ho-san-na!" to the tune of "London Bridge." Encourage your child to help you add verse about the things Jesus has done - "He made the sky up so high ... Ho - san - na!" for example.


As a family, play this game: for every letter in the alphabet, think of a reason to praise Jesus. For example, someone might say, "Jesus is Always with us" for A. As someone comes up with an alphabetical praise, ask that person to write it on a slip of paper and place it in a jar. Each night as you pray with your child, let him or her draw three or four slips from the jar and use them to praise Jesus.


Look for apportunites to prasie your teenager for something specific in front of his or her friends. Later, ask how it felt to be complimented in front of others. Talk about why we prasie Jesus for the things he's done.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of March 9, 2008

This week children learn what amazing things do they think Jesus can do in thier life? Through the miracle of raising Lazarus from death, Jesus showed that He can trasform us. He can bring us back from hopelessness and despair. Thank you, Jesus!

Bible Point: Jesus give us hope of eternal life.

Bible Story: Jeuss Raises Lazarus from the Death (John 11:1-45)

Key Verse: Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even through he dies.' (John 11:25)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Walk in a local park or around your neighborhood with your preschooler. As you walk, remind your child about the story of Lazarus. At the park, point out the bare or newly budding trees and flowers. Explain that every fall these trees and flowers seem to die, then they come back to life in the spring. Explain that Jesus showed us the way to come back to life after we die. Thanks for teaching your child this important lesson!


Celebrate the coming spring by planting flowers or a new tree with your elementary-age child. Talk about how Jesus brought Lazarus back from the dead. Ask your child how he or she thinks the planting activity is like or unlike what Jesus did. Then say a prayer, asking Jesus to watch over your new tree or flower and to help it grow.


Look for a way to get into your teenager's world this week, perhaps by listening to a favorite recording artist, talking about a favorite activity, or playing a board game. Ask your teenager about his or her hopes for the future. Then talk about how day-to-day hopes compare with the hope we have in Jesus.