Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday School Lesson: January 10

Theme: Jesus is Baptised
Bible Story: Matt. 3:1-17
Memory Verse: Mark 16:16
Key Point:
  1. John's baptism, water baptism is for repentance and the remission of sins.
  2. Jesus' baptism is a baptism of Holy Ghost and fire.
  3. God loved Jesus and was very pleased with Him.

Today children learned Baptism of Jesus Christ. It is important for children to understand the key words like; Baptize "to immerse in water for the forgiveness of sins" and Repent "To turn away from wrong and toward right."

Ask children questions like; 1. How did John feel when Jesus asked him to baptize him? 2. Why Jesus Christ was baptised by John Baptist as God Himself who has no sin?

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