Week of April 27, 2008
This week children learned to give thanks God, recognizing the significance of the world, other people, and themselves as God's creation. During the class they talked about a time the Apostle Paul had the opportunity to share about God with others, and learned about one of his main ideas the God is the Creator of heaven and earth. They shared how this belief can affect everything they do.

This week help them to question about;
- How would you describe God to someone who didn't know anything about Him?
- Think of someone you know who isn't a Christian.
- How would you begin to talk about Jesus with that person?
- Why do people need to know about God?
- What are some other ways (other than talking) to encourage people to learn about God?
BIBLE PONIT: God is the Creator of heaven and earth.
BIBLE STORY: Paul Teaches in Athens. (Acts 17:16-31)
KEY VERSE: "Do you not know? Have you not heard? the Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth." (Isaiah 40:28a)
PRESCHOOL Play and Pray
Take a walk with your preschooler and pick up interesting pebbles, leaves, twigs, and other natural materials. Then help your preschooler draw a picture of God's creation and glue the items you found onto the picture. Talk about how wonderful God's creation is.
Ask your child, "What would you tell someone who has never heard of God?" Help your child ask other family members what they could tell others about God, and encourage your child to make a list of those things and share it with the family.
With your teenager, plan a bike ride or a hike to a quiet place. Pack a picnic lunch, and take time together for lunch, laughter, meditation, and prayer.