Sunday, June 29, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of June 29, 2008

This week the children learn God's holiness can transform our lives through a relationship with Jesus. They were encouraged to share how God has shown His holiness in thier life. Take some time to reflect on their sharing.

Help children to see God's holiness in so many things ... as simple as the beauty of nature or as intense as a powerful prayer experience. Encourage them to experience it, respond with an open and worshipful heart in daily life so that they could learn to worship God sincerely with thier thoughts, attitudes, and actions.

Ask children what would they do;
  • Imagine you're a knight. The king has summoned you for a dangerous mission - it could cost your life! Would you go to the king and accept the mission? Why or why not?
  • What has God asked you to do that you were afraid to do? what did you do?
  • How can you find the courage to do what God asks of you?
BIBLE POINT: Respond to God's holiness with worship

BIBLE STORY: God Calls Isaiah (Isaiah 6:1-8)

KEY VERSE: "Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker." (Psalm 95:6)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Ask your preschooler to help you choose something special to be used only on Sunday. The item could be a candle or dish to use at the dinner table, or it could be a favorite book to look at only on Sunday. Talk with your preschooler about why one day is set apart for special worship of God.


Imagine with your child how you might dress if you were going to meet someone very important. Discuss how God is the most important person we will ever meet. Then help each other pick out something to wear to church that will show that you both honor God. Be sure to allow your child to help you choose something to wear too!


Do your teenager and his or her friends use the term "holy" loosely - "holy cow," for example?

Ask your teenager to look up holy in the dictionary, then talk about Isaiah's vision of what holy means. Discuss why only God is holy.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Youth & Parent Conference

Date: June 29th on Sunday
Time: 4:00 PM
Place: OBMBC Chaple

"Mom, if I do bad things, will I go to hell? Dad, will I lost my salvation, if I don't keep good work?"

Dear iParents,

What would you say to your children, when they feel they are not good enough to keep their faith? Have you ever wonder your children is fearing losing salvation?

Come and join us "Youth & Parent Conference" at Chapel at 4:00 PM right after Sunday Worship Service. There will be open feedback and Bible discussion for parents and Youth. Youth teachers and Rev. Lone Wah Lazum will be lead the program throughout. All Sunday School teachers are also encouraging to attend this meeting to reach every students and thier parents in the class.

Hope and play to see you all ...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of June 22, 2008

This week children learn how we can have compassion for those who don't know God from the story of Jonah. Oftentimes children might feel difficult to have the same compassion for people that God does. However, by helping children see the love and compassion that Jesus shows us, we allow them open a perspective beyond themselves. Children were also encourage to pray to God that He would help them to see the world with not "My Eyes," but "God's Eyes.

Ask children about;
  • What would you do if someone who was always mean to you and your friends suddenly asked you for forgiveness? Why?
  • Why was Jonah angry that God forgave the people of Nineveh?
  • How does God love people who do bad things?
Bible Point: Have Compassion for people who don't know God

Bible Story: Jonah Complains About God's compassion (Jonah 3:10-4:11)

Key Verse: "The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some under stand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Sing a favorite praise song - "Jesus Love Me," for example - with your preschooler. Then ask your preschooler to think of people who don't know a bout God. Ask how singing the song to people and talking about God might help others know about God. Discuss why God wants everyone to know about Him.


If your church participates in a missionary program to a specific country or part of the world, talk with your elementary-age child about the people who benefit from the program. Look on the Internet or in a reference book to learn about the country and its customs, and talk about why God wants everyone to know Him. Encourage your child to think how he or she might help with your church's missionary program. Or help your child do some research about any country with a non-Christian majority, and find our about Christian outreach to that country.


Ask your teenager to think of one person who doesn't know God and one way to help that person understand God's compassion. The person might be someone at school or in the neighborhood, a homeless person, or someone far away. Help your teenager think of something specific and "doable" to do, then encourage your teenager to do it. For example, your teenager might invite a non-Christian school friend to a church activity, volunteer in a soup kitchen and make time to talk to a homeless person there, or send his or her won money to a Christian group that gives away Bible around the world.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Father's Day Program

Dear iParents,

Coming Sunday Children & Youth Sunday School department are preparing Special Presentation for Father's Day service. Many weeks teachers and children have been pouring their heart to practice songs, dances and drama. Please contact Mrs. Cynthia for the detail information how you and your children could participate. Youth Class will be meet at 11:00 am in Fellowship Hall for the final preparation! Daniella, Ashlee, Amanda (Lau) will lead the program.

Teachers are also preparing Special Art's project for the children during the class. It will be a big surprised gift for the father or grandfathers!

You also don't want to miss Family Games "Father & I" at gym right after Father's day special Lunch. There will be various fun and exciting games that you and your children can be participated as family.

Hope to see you all soon!!!

Driving Home Point

Week of June 8, 2008

This week children learn how humble people are intimate with, rewarded by, and blessed by God. They learn the valuable steps of drawing closer to Jesus, which will in turn strengthen their humility which leads them to Him. We hope and pray that the lesson of humbleness brings them closer to Jesus; Jesus values their humility and even brokenness; their humility lets Jesus work in and through them!

Ask your children;

  • Have you ever feel embarrassed or dumb in front of people?
  • What is humble? Does it mean Low self-esteem with a smile ...? Is it thinking and acting like everyone else is better than I am ...? If the opposite of humility is pride, does that mean I can’t Can’t show self-confidence when I do something well ...?
  • Has your humility helped someone else?
  • How has God taught you about humility?

BIBLE POINT: To follow God, we must be humble

BIBLE STORY: God heals Naaman's Leprosy (2 Kings 5:1-16)

KEY VERSE: "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God' mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time." (1 Peter 5:6)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Watch for an opportunity to encourage your preschooler to help a younger child. If your preschooler doesn't have a younger sibling at home, look for something he or she can do at church or in the neighborhood. Perhaps your child can help a toddler walk, hold a bottle for a baby, or go down a slide with a smaller child. Talk about how it feels good to help others even when no one seems to notice. Thank you for helping your young child grow closer to Jesus.


Make a game of practicing humility with your elementary-age child. See how many small favors you both can think of to do for family members without expecting praise or rewards. For example, you might think of doing someone else's chores or making little gifts or encouragement cards. Then see who can be the sneakiest about doing these things so that no one guesses who did them.


Talk with your teenager about famous people he or she admires- athletes, musicians, or actors, for example. Together think of individuals in that field who demonstrate humility and how they show it. Talk about how their behavior earns respect.