This week children learn a growing relationship with Jesus produces faith and courage in the heart and life of a Christian. This courage allows us to speak the truth in the face of danger.
Ask children about;
What would you do if some one hurt you because you're a Christian.
- What risks do you take to follow Jesus?
- How is forgiving someone a way of sharing your faith?
Bible Point: We share our faith in Jesus with words and actions.
Bible Story: Stephen forgives his accusers as they stone him (Acts 6:8-7:60)
Key Verse: "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." (1 Peter 3:15)
PRESCHOOL Play and Pray
Help your preschooler string a necklace of large beads or macaroni. In the center of the necklace, string a construction paper heart that says, "I love Jesus." Encourage your preschooler to wear the necklace and tell people what it says.
Help your child research a modern day Christian martyr at the library or on the Internet. Talk about that person's story and about people who have given their lives for their faith and their love of Jesus. If you're using the Internet, use Christian martyr as key words, or try this Web site: http://www.persecution.org/.
Ask your teenager to take charge of planing how your family can help your church or denomination sponsor a missionary family. For example, your church might be looking for specific donations or for help with asking for donations. Encourage your teenager to find out if the missionary family has any prayer requests and to lead the family in prayer for these requests.
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