- Imagine you're a knight. The king has summoned you for a dangerous mission - it could cost your life! Would you go to the king and accept the mission? Why or why not?
- What has God asked you to do that you were afraid to do? what did you do?
- How can you find the courage to do what God asks of you?

BIBLE STORY: God Calls Isaiah (Isaiah 6:1-8)
KEY VERSE: "Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker." (Psalm 95:6)
PRESCHOOL Play and Pray
Ask your preschooler to help you choose something special to be used only on Sunday. The item could be a candle or dish to use at the dinner table, or it could be a favorite book to look at only on Sunday. Talk with your preschooler about why one day is set apart for special worship of God.
Imagine with your child how you might dress if you were going to meet someone very important. Discuss how God is the most important person we will ever meet. Then help each other pick out something to wear to church that will show that you both honor God. Be sure to allow your child to help you choose something to wear too!
Do your teenager and his or her friends use the term "holy" loosely - "holy cow," for example?
Ask your teenager to look up holy in the dictionary, then talk about Isaiah's vision of what holy means. Discuss why only God is holy.