Ask your children;
- Have you ever feel embarrassed or dumb in front of people?
- What is humble? Does it mean Low self-esteem with a smile ...? Is it thinking and acting like everyone else is better than I am ...? If the opposite of humility is pride, does that mean I can’t Can’t show self-confidence when I do something well ...?
- Has your humility helped someone else?
- How has God taught you about humility?
BIBLE POINT: To follow God, we must be humble
BIBLE STORY: God heals Naaman's Leprosy (2 Kings 5:1-16)
KEY VERSE: "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God' mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time." (1 Peter 5:6)
PRESCHOOL Play and PrayWatch for an opportunity to encourage your preschooler to help a younger child. If your preschooler doesn't have a younger sibling at home, look for something he or she can do at church or in the neighborhood. Perhaps your child can help a toddler walk, hold a bottle for a baby, or go down a slide with a smaller child. Talk about how it feels good to help others even when no one seems to notice. Thank you for helping your young child grow closer to Jesus.
Make a game of practicing humility with your elementary-age child. See how many small favors you both can think of to do for family members without expecting praise or rewards. For example, you might think of doing someone else's chores or making little gifts or encouragement cards. Then see who can be the sneakiest about doing these things so that no one guesses who did them.
Talk with your teenager about famous people he or she admires- athletes, musicians, or actors, for example. Together think of individuals in that field who demonstrate humility and how they show it. Talk about how their behavior earns respect.
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