This week we had run "Bible Lesson Test" for Sunday School Children & Teens. Teachers and parents were preparing it for a few weeks based on the lesson of this month: 1. Jesus is Baptised 2. Temptation of Jesus 3. Jesus Chose Disciples. The test was provided in three different levels with the written & oral format.

The answer to the question "Why Test?" is the same for the Sunday Children & Teens as for any other child & teen at school. We all want our children to receive good educations to succeed in college, on the job, and in life. And we all understand how test can provide detailed information about the child's learning needs, and measure child's progrees. Then, "Why Not Test?"
The purpose of B.L.T. is provide good test. Good Test can ...
- Identify individual or classroom strengths and weakness in area of weekly Bible lesson based, allowing teachers to tailor thier lesson plans to focus more on areas of study where student need the most work.
- Allow the church, Christian Education Department, and Sunday School to indentify area of need and to target extra help and support in need.
- Help parents to restore the parentship in teaching God's word in home based.
- Encouraging children to work harder to meet the need of learning God's word to empower thier life.
It's not easy task, yet we are determind to work together as a teacher and as a parents. So Thank you, i Parents, and Suday School teachers who has been work so hard to teach our children to learn the word of God with the Sprit of 3.5!
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