Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Driving Home Point

Week of February 17, 2008

This week children learn Jesus didn't come to make them a more religious person - like Nicodemus. Instead, Jesus came to make them a new person, one capable of responding to a lifegiving freindship with Him.

Bible Point: Jesus give us eternal life
Bible Story: Jesus explains eternal life to Nicodemus (John 3:1-17)
Key Verse: "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

Sing some simple praise songs with your preschooler to help him or her think about Jesus' love and about loving Jesus. Song choices could include "Jesus Love Me," "Jesus Loves the Little Children," or "Away in a Manger."

Your preschooler might know motions for the songs, or you might make up motions together.


After dinner or at another time the family is together, play a game of making a story together. Start the story with "Willie thought it was going to be an ordinary day. He didn't know that he'd soon be meeding help and that Jesus would be there to help him."

Ask family members to take turns adding one sentence to the story. Coninue as long as it's fun!

Then talk seriously with your elementary-age child about what Jesus means to him or her. Talk to your child about what is means to be a Christian, based on John 3:16. Don't force your child to make a decision that isn't genuine, but give him or her an opportunity to respond to God's offer of salvation through Jesus.


Ask your teenager to explain to you God's plan of salvation. If he or she has trouble doing so, help your teenager along- don't cause any embarrassment.
Then ask if he or she accepts it.

Discuss the "why" behind the answer. If you teenager hasn't accepted it, encourage him or her to consider doing so. If your teenager has, talk together about how faith in Jesus changes lives - your own and thouse of others.

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