Week of February 24, 2008
This week children learn thier connection with Jesus is their living water. As they cultivate thier friendship with Jesus through prayer and time in the Bible, they'll discover refreshment, even during parched times.
Bible Point: We can find life in Jesus
Bible Story: Jesus Talk with the Samaritan Woman (John 4:5-42)
Key Verse: "He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life." (1 John 5:12)
PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

As your elementary-age child talks about school experiences this week, listen for references to another child who is lonely or generally not liked. Ask your son or daughter what Jesus might say to that child. Talk about the difference Jesus might make in the "outcast's" life. Then talk about how to help that child know Jesus.
Encourage your teenager to invite an acquaintance who doesn't know Jesus to come to your home for dinner. Suggest inviting someone who isn't well-accepted at school, perhaps someone who is made fun of. Explain that the Samaritan woman wasn't well-accepted in her town. Encourage your teenager to show his or her guest the love and acceptance that Jesus has to offer by involving the friend in the family's conversation. After dinner, share a family time of reading the Bible with your teenager and his or her guest.
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