VBS 3rd Day

Jesus lives again, and the women run to tell (Matthew 27:27-54; 28:1-10)
Bible Memory: Joshua 1:9
Dear Parent or Guardian,
In response to today's Bible Story, the kids learned how exciting it can be to tell their friends and others that Jesus came back to life. The kids focused on ways they could "GO TELL" this exciting news. Ask your child what some of these ways are, and then provide the supplies needed to carry out one of those ways.
Ask your children;
- What do you do when you are excited about something? (tell everyone I can)
- What did the women do when they were excited about seeing Jesus alive again? (told Jesus' friends and others)
- Do you get excited and happy when you think about Jesus coming back to life again? (answers will vary...)
- What can you do to show your excitement about Jesus coming back to life? (tell everyone I know about it)
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