VBS 5th Day

Go Serve!
Ananias serves God by helping Saul. Acts 9:1-19
Bible Memory: Joshua 1:9
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Today your teen learned about God's servant, Ananias and his daunting challenge to go serve a man named Saul. Saul was famous for his hatred toward and persecution of Christians. But when God told Ananias to go to Saul and help him, Ananias obeyed. As a result, Saul was healed and would go on to become the most prominent preacher of Christ the world had ever seen.
Ask these questions to your child:
- What does it mean to serve someone?
- Why it is sometimes hard to serve others?
- Why did Ananias help Saul, even though he must have been afraid?
- Why it is important that you serve others?
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