Week of March 2, 2008
This week children learn what would they do if they saw someone they were afraid of and they saw that the person needed help? Children also learn we're all sinners, and without Jesus to cleanse us from our sin, we're hopelessly unclean. But grater than the good Samaritan, Jesus has shown us kindness that can change our lives forever. Praise Jesus for His mercy!

Bible Point: Jesus says to love others as ourselves.
Bible Story: Jesus Tells About the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
Key Verse: "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." (Ephesians 4:32)
PRESCHOOL Play and Pray


Ask your elementary-age child what he or she thinks would be one good way to help someone. You might suggest mowing the lawn, doing gardening chores for an elderly neighbor, or taking food to a shut-in. Help your child carry out this activity. Then talk with your child about how the person felt about the help.

With your teenager, volunteer to serve meals at a homeless shelter or deliver food to a shut-in through a Meals-On-Wheels program. Encourage your teenager to talk to the people being helped and to see them as individuals. Then ask your teenager how the volunteer work helped the people you served. You and your teenager may decide to do this regularly!
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