This week children learn Jesus' resurrection sealed our eternal life. Because he went to death and back for us, God will forgive our sins and we can live forever in relationship with Jesus. Thank you Jesus, for your incredible victory!

Help children to think about;
- What would you do if you suddenly found a wonderful treasure - and there was enough of it to make everyone in the whole world rich.
- How is knowing about Jesus like finding a treasure?
- What would be most different in your life if Jesus hadn't died for you?

Bible Point: Jesus is alive
Bible Story: Jesus Comes Back to Life (Matthew 27: 27-56; 28: 1-10)
Key Verse: "I have been crucifed with Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." (Galatians 2:20)
PRESCHOOL Play and Pray
Read a simple version of the Easter story to your preschooler. To help him or her understand what the story means, say, "I'm glad you're alive!" Help your child think of other people in his or her life. As you name each person, say, "I'm glad (name) is alive, too!"
Sit with your elementary-age child, and take turns reading the verse of Matthew 28:1-10 in a children's Bible. Make a game of looking for the clues you would use if you were to write a mystery story about the event. For example, the "man" who rolled back the stone looked like lightning and knew who the women were although they didn't know him. If your child enjoys writing, he or she might want to actually write a mystery-story verson of the Resurrection.
As you enjoy Easter dinner, talk about all the traditions and symbols associated with Easter, from Easter egg hunts to the Easter bunny. Talk about what these traditions and symbols mean and how they help us (or don't help us) understand the real meaning of Easter. Challenge your teenager to research Easter traditions to find out where and why thy began.
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