Week of March 16, 2008
This week children learn Jesus' life, death, and resurrection made it possible for them to have eternal life through a relationship with him. He is the reason for our hope and our happiness. Priase Jesus for every thing He is!
This week children learn Jesus' life, death, and resurrection made it possible for them to have eternal life through a relationship with him. He is the reason for our hope and our happiness. Priase Jesus for every thing He is!

Help children to think about;
- What would you do if you thought you might see Jesus in person.
- If you made a certificate of recognition for Jesus, what would be on it?
- What is the greatest thing Jesus has done for you?
Bible Point: Jesus, the Lamb of God, derserves our praise.
Bible Story: Crowds Welcome Jesus to Jerusalem - Psalm 118:19-29; Matthew 21:1-11-
Key Verse: "Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and prasie! - Revelation 5:12b-
PRESCHOOL Play and Pray
Help your preschooler sing, "Jesus, is our great hero ... Ho-san-na!" to the tune of "London Bridge." Encourage your child to help you add verse about the things Jesus has done - "He made the sky up so high ... Ho - san - na!" for example.
As a family, play this game: for every letter in the alphabet, think of a reason to praise Jesus. For example, someone might say, "Jesus is Always with us" for A. As someone comes up with an alphabetical praise, ask that person to write it on a slip of paper and place it in a jar. Each night as you pray with your child, let him or her draw three or four slips from the jar and use them to praise Jesus.
Look for apportunites to prasie your teenager for something specific in front of his or her friends. Later, ask how it felt to be complimented in front of others. Talk about why we prasie Jesus for the things he's done.
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