Dear iParents,
VBS 2008 is around the corner! Each year God has been blessed the ministry of our church to extend beyond our walls to reach the children and their family who live in our communities. We have been drove with one purpose. That is to share with them the love of God and prepare the way for them come to know Jesus Christ and grow with Him in a personal way as Lord and Savior. And your support has been a great strength to all of VBS staffs and family! Truly, we could never come this far without you...

During the month of August we are planing to working closely with Sunday School department and iParents to meet the need of life-time challenging for kids and their family. So we are here humbly asking you to join us in prayer.
- Please pray God to lead all VBS staffs in every aspects of the planning and preparations for God's Big Backyard. Please also pray that we all faithfully serve God what He wants accomplished through this program.
- Please pray God for all VBS kids. They will challenge to serve their families, friends, neighbors, communities, and Jesus. Pray that kids will discover how much fun they can having in serving in God's big Backyard and making a big difference in their life to serve others and Jesus!
- Please also pray God for providing the need. We need lots of hands in teaching, cooking, carrying, driving, and even sleepover! There will be around 100 kids and staffs will be need in your help! Pray that we all to be encouraged and to be motivated to serve others to serve Him as serving His little ones!
Thanks for being a VBS Pray Partner! As we are joining our hands together we are hoping for His miracle once again through our prayers! May the Lord of our God continue to use us for His glory. Amen!
In Him we serve,
VBS Director & Staffs