This week children learn no matter where we are in life, we can worship Jesus. Thank Jesus for His grace, for accepting our worship despite our many sins.

Bible Story: Foreign Visitors Worship Jesus
Key Verse: "For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile - the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on Him, for, 'Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."(Romans 10:12-13)
n PRESCHOOL Play and Pray
Ask your preschooler to think of someone he or she doesn't know very well but would like to play with. The friend might be a child in your preschooler's Sunday School class or the child of friends you don't see often. Find the way to get to know them. You may ask your child about how to play with them. Then during a quiet time, perhaps after a story, talk about how Jesus loves everyone, including your child and your child's friend.
Blow up balloons with your child. Together think of different ways to worship God, and have your child use a marker to write each way on a balloon. Tape the balloons to a wall or ceiling. Talk about why there are so many ways to worship God. After all the balloons are taped, choose one of the worship ideas and carry it out. As a parent, you are the most important worship leader for your child!
Make a date wit your teenager to go out for a hamburger or ice cream. After you've enjoyed your teenager's company for a while, talk about people who have helped you understand about Jesus and Christian life. Talk about friends you've talked to. Then ask your teenager to think of a friend who needs to know about Jesus. Plan how your teenager might tell the friend.
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