Scavanture hunt "Following the Clues" Sayama Jae reading the clue

Keep On Looking

What Our Next Clue?

Follow the clues and you'll find what you're looking for! If you follow God clues he'll Guide us to grand prize. "Eternal Life"

I'm Bless that God has given me opportunities to teach his little one about the words of God. It's a perfect excuse for me to attend Sunday School since I didn't get a chance to attend one. I'm learning much more than I'm teaching. :D. God know what we need and always there to Guide us. The smile and the joy they have on their faces while listening to the bible stories, listening gospel songs or coloring are priceless. Here are some of their coloring sample. :)



Emily :) Who say teacher can't color too??

Wow ...It is such pleasant surprised to find out … hidden camera was on during the children service …. Now you made my day, Miss Kelly.
What!!!!! Emily is teacher???? thought she's one of da sunday school student...LOL
kel, it's no nice of you. what touch me most is, not only you're teaching, but you're also learning, & you take this as GOD gives you chance to attend Sunday School... Way to go... God bless you
wow yea nice pics with the posts... i felt the same way too kel. Aja Aja !! :D
"kel, it's no nice of you" I think what Nway Nway means "Kel, it's so nice of you" ... :D:D:D
yeah... thanks jae for correcting my typo. i didn't know until now... ha hahhh
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