Thank Him not only for being our Savior but also for being our friend!
Bible Point: Get to Know Jesus

Bible Story: Peter and Andrew Meet Jesus (John 1:35-42)
Key Verse: "Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God." (John 1:12)
nn PRESCHOOL Play and Pray
Planing to read your child's favorite story, say, "I think you're going to be happy because we're going to do something special!" Then say, "I like telling you about special things because that makes you happy. And that's why we like to tell others about Jesus - because we know He can make us all happy." Teach them simple sentence to share others about Jesus, like as "Jesus loves me and I love Jesus. Jesus loves you too." You will be surprised they are young, yet dare to share others about Jesus.
Have your elementary-age child help you prepare a treat - a dessert or a special snack - for the whole family. Then ask the child, "Why would you like to share the treats with the rest of the family?" Answers will vary. Then ask your child, "Why should we tell others about Jesus?" Talk about how it makes people happy when they learn what Jesus did, do, and will do for them. Help the child to make a list of friends and relatives whom needs to introduce to Jesus. Have some time to pray for them with your child! Let them see your heart for the lost. That will be last forever.
nn Time with TEENAGERS
Plan a time for your family to share favorite recordings of praise songs. After you've listened to the songs, ask your teenager if it's tough to talk about Jesus to friends who aren't Christian. Give your teenager a chance to talk the reasons. Answer will vary. Then ask, "How would you feel if no one had ever told you about Jesus?" Follow up with, "How might your friends feel if, at the end of their lives, none of their Christian friends had ever told them about Jesus?" Listen to them. Let them talk, then they will listen to you.
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