Week of January 27, 2008

This week chilldren draw thier imagin how Jesus help them and learn as an imitator of Jesus, they've been called to participate in Jesus' ministry.
How people being drawn to Jesus remind us finding the meaning and purpose in our life by obeying our calling.

nn Bible Story: News About Jesus Spreads (Matthew 4:23-25)
nn Key Verse: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)
nn PRESCHOOL Play and Pray

A good way to begin teaching preschoolers to go to Jesus with their problems is by example. This week, when you're hurting or concerned about something, say, "Let's go to Jesus with this [concern]," and have your preschooler pray with you. You might also want to play a game of pretend with your preschooler. Ask your child to pretend something is wrong, then ask, "What should we do about it?" Have the child respond, "Go to Jesus!"
Take your elementary-age child to a school or communitry sport event or other entertainment. On your way home, talk about things that are bothering him or her. You may need to probe a bit about school concerns, friendship problems, and sibling conflicts. Then say, "Jesus wants us to take all our concerens to Him." Pay together about your child' concerns. Then commit to reminding each other through the week to take problems to Jesus when they came along!
nn Time With TEENAGERS

Watch a favorite TV show with your teenager. When it's over, talk about the concerns and worries of the characters on the show. Then ask your teenager to wirte a list of things that worry him or her. Go over the list together. For each item, ask, "What could Jesus about that concern?" and "What might Jesus expect you to do about that concern?" If appropriate, also ask, "What can I do to help you with that concern?" Be sure to pray together, committing all the concerns to Jesus. And follow through on anything you agree to do!
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